As 2011 comes to a close, a new year begins...
2011 has been a year with ups and downs. Sadly we lost some very dear friends way too soon which caused a lot of heartache. We will never forget them and we'll raise our glasses in their honor and memory. This year we also gained new friends which brought us laughter and joy. And we raise our glasses for them too and wish them a very good health!
Whatever 2011 was for you, I hope 2012 will be a much better one. Lets hope 2012 will be a wonderful year for all. With lots of ups and absolutely no downs. Some new friends and no-one that will depart us way too soon. Wishing you all a very good health and happiness with your family and friends. So lets make 2012 the best year ever.
Currahee & Happy New Year!
Truly a year of ups and downs with all too many farewells. Hopefully 2012 will be much happier. Best wishes to everyone for the new Year But especially to Clancy, Liz and all the vets.