Monday, March 19, 2012

Dear Clancy

Dear Clancy

This morning I received the sad news that you made your final jump. It was news I dreaded for some days now. What had to be a week of joy and happiness for us turned into a horrible week. A week ago we finally got some good news. A publisher was interested in your story “Silver Eagle” and wanted to publish it. It was a long time coming and finally it was going to become reality.
But some 24 hours later you were rushed into the hospital and it did not look good. I couldn't find any words when Liz, your soulmate and beloved wife for forty years, told me about the graveness of your situation on Wednesday. It were long days and I was hoping and praying you would somehow pull through, as you always did. But sadly it wasn't to be.

I remember talking about death with you buddy, some years ago. You told me: “When it's your time it's your time. Don't worry about death. If you worry about it, you would worry yourself to death. When your job on this world is done, the Lord will take you away.”
So maybe getting a publisher for your book was the final deed that has te be done? And I will complete the mission for you, buddy. I promiss you that.

I thank you and Liz for your warm friendship over the years. You welcomed me into your home with open arms and I really felt part of your family. I owe you a lot. You were a good friend. And you called me your buddy. You once said:”Everyone has friends but only few have buddies.” I'm glad I was one of those few.

Safe landings trooper. I know your comrades who jumped before you are waiting for you on your last Drop Zone. And I know Violet and your son Ron will be there waiting for you too. And your mom and dad, with his bagpipes, will be there for you too.

I promiss you that you will never be forgotten.
I miss you dearly.

With love,

your buddy


  1. I'm sorry for your loss, Liz. Clancy will always be remembered.

    Well said, Ron.

    Forever in our hearts!


  2. Ron, you too were very close to him, I want to thank you for all you did for him and still do. We both will miss him a lot.

  3. Ron, we can never express the gratitude we feel to Clancy for the freedoms we enjoy today. He will be sadly missed. Your words convey just how much Clancy meant to you, how close a buddy he had become, and I know the feeling was mutual with him. To Clancy's wife Liz and the rest of the family, our heartfelt condolences and sympathies, yours is a loss that we can only quess at.

    Rest in Peace trooper, your duty here is done.

  4. Soft Landings Trooper!
    You shall never be forgoten!!
    Thanks for your service

  5. RIP Clancy.... Hang tough, Ron... Thoughts and prayers to all...


  6. God speed, Clancy. Rest well, you've earned it!

  7. Here is Clancy's obituary. You can leave your condolences for the family in the guest book aswell. Thank you.


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